It has taken me a long time to realize that embracing a Design Deliverable Checklist – the earlier the better – is probably the wisest move we [building designers] can make.
Sure, subjecting ourselves to accountability at this level may make us feel vulnerable and the design sequence may be different than we’re accustomed to, but the early definition of the deliverables checklist:
Greatly reduces the late stage surprises and potential of redesign
Allows you to focus on a multitude of coordination details that would otherwise arise at the end of design, which can help reduce addendums, change orders and oversights.
Perhaps most importantly, the real benefit is in the early communication of our conceptual thinking that results in the project team’s understanding of our plans for the design. When coupled with Incremental Design Reviews, this becomes particularly effective. It is often the case that the Owner has not yet revealed or even materialized all of their thoughts on what the building is to include. If we wait to reveal our conceptual thinking until the final stages of project design, we risk very disappointing consequences to the success of the project and to the design team’s profitability.
In the upcoming post, I’d like to dive into Kentucky’s Division of Engineering & Contract Administration’s(DECA) Policy Manual. By understanding DECA’s Design Deliverables Checklist, project engineers and architects will understand the benefit and impact of this tool combined with third party Incremental Design Reviews.